STCW 6.1 Basic Safety Refresher


This course is a refresher of the STCW Basic Safety training program, required by all entry level personnel. It is also required for all deck and engine room rating qualifications, for most navigation, all engineering certificates of competency, and for Fishing Master 1 and 2 class certificates.

This refresher training course is designed to comply with the regulations and to refresh the seafarer’s skills in basic emergency duties through demonstration and practical drills and exercises.


The course meets the requirements of Chapter VI, Section A-VI/1, paragraph 3 of the STCW Convention, including the 2010 Manilla Amendments, and is approved by Transport Canada.

This program will cover:

  • Principles of Safety
  • Marine Hazards and Emergencies
  • Crew competence and expertise
  • Lifesaving Appliances and Abandonment Procedures, including practical drills in
    • Don and use immersion suits and lifejackets in the water as an individual and as a part of a group
    • Toss a lifebuoy to a crew lost over board and use a lifebuoy to keep afloat in the water
    • Launch, board, operate and right an inverted liferaft
    • Use of Thermal Protective Aids
    • Lifeboats and their role in a an abandonment
  • Rescue from a Marine Environment
    • Use of VHF Radios, including GMDSS
    • Use or Pyrotechnics
  • Concept and Application of the Fire Triangle to fire and explosion, including
    • Conditions for fire
    • Properties of flammable materials
  • Selection of fire fighting appliances and equipment
    • Assembly, don and function in an self-contained breathing apparatus in a hostile environment
    • Lay, connect and operate fire hoses to extinguish live oil fires in open air and inside a steel ship mock-up
    • Set up foam making equipment and lay foam on an oil fire
    • Approach, attack and extinguish live fires in the ship mock-up using water from the fire hose
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