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- Support Services
- Survival and Rescue Craft Simulation Training
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- Training Courses
- Training Sectors
- Aviation
- Aviation Sector
- Emergency Breathing Systems (EBS)
- Helicopter Rescue Hoist Training
- Offshore Helicopter Safety (OHS) & Emergency Breathing Systems
(EBS) - OPITO Helicopter Underwater Escape Training (HUET) & Emergency Breathing Systems
(EBS) - Underwater Egress Training
- Winter/Land Survival Training for Aircrew
- Canadian Offshore
- Canadian Offshore Sector
- Canadian Offshore Training
- International Offshore Training
- Management of Major Emergencies
- Offshore Emergency Preparedness & Response Training
- Command & Control and Management of Major Emergencies
(CCMME) - Course General Information
- Fast Rescue Boat (FRB)
- Helicopter Landing Officer (HLO)
- Helideck Team Training (HTT)
- Offshore Fire Team (OFT)
- Offshore Fire Team (OFT) – Recurrent
- Offshore MedEvac Team Training
- Offshore Survival Craft Leader – Recurrent
(OSCLR) - Person-in-Charge Assessment (PICA)
- Survival Craft Coxswain (SCC)
- Command & Control and Management of Major Emergencies
- Offshore Visitor
- Offshore Worker
- Technical Safety Training
- Industrial
- Confined Space Entry & Rescue (CSER)
- Fall Protection (FP)
- Fall Protection Basic Rescue (FPBR)
- Fit Test
- Hazardous Materials (HAZMAT) Awareness
- High Angle Rope Rescue
- Industrial SCBA
- Rescue and Emergency Response
- Safety Preparedness and Protection
- Working at Height
- Working in Confined Spaces
- Working near Hazardous Materials
- International Offshore
- Basic Offshore Safety Induction & Emergency Training
(BOSIET) - Compressed Air – Emergency Breathing Systems
(CA-EBS) - Further Offshore Emergency Training (FOET)
- International Offshore Sector
- OPITO Tropical Helicopter Underwater Escape Training
(T-HUET) - Tropical Basic Offshore Safety Induction & Emergency Training
(T – BOSIET) - Tropical Further Offshore Emergency Training
- Basic Offshore Safety Induction & Emergency Training
- Marine
- Marine Domestic
- Marine International
- Domestic Vessel Safety, MED DVS
- STCW 6.1 Basic Safety
- STCW 6.2 Proficiency in Survival Craft (PSC) and Rescue Boats
- STCW 6.3 Advanced Fire Fighting
- STCW Advanced Fire Fighting Refresher
(AFF – R) - STCW Basic Safety Refresher
- STCW Officer Refresher (6.1, 6.2, 6.3)
- STCW Operator Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boat
(FRB) - STCW Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats Refresher
(FRB – R) - STCW Proficiency In Survival Craft And Rescue Boats Other Than Fast Rescue Boats Refresher
(PSC – R) - STCW Rating Refresher
- Small Vessel Operator Proficiency (SVOP)
- Specialized Marine Training
- R & D
- Aviation
- Training Simulators
- Videos
- H7
Posts by category
- Category: Events
- Category: News & Media
- N.S. safety training ‘unique’
- Survival Systems Training Hoists Its MAST
- Rescue Ready
- Experience at SSTL by Patrick Potter
- Helicopter Down
- Survival Systems Training Ltd. Acquires ‘First in Industry’ Training Equipment
- Improving Ditching Survivability
- Survival Suits Aren’t Made for Working” (The Chronicle Herald)
- Category: Uncategorized
- Category: Videos
- MAST Facility – New Video
- MAST Facility Overview
- Aircraft Ditching Egress Practical Trainer (ADEPT)
- Ditching Through the Eyes of a Trainee
- Mobile Training Unit Fire Rollover
- Military & Aviation Programs
- Basic Survival Training
- High Angle Rope Rescue
- SSTL Helicopter Underwater Escape Training
- Basic Survival Training – Canadian Offshore
- H2S Recognition
- Mobile Elevated Work Platform
- Marine Advanced First Aid
- Marine Basic First Aid
- STCW Basic Firefighting
- STCW Personal Safety Responsibilities PSR
- STCW Personal Survival Techniques (PST)
- Atlantis
- Fit Testing
- Vessel Personnel with Security Responsibilities
- HAZMAT First Responder
- HAZMAT Spill Response
- Marine Basic First Aid
- Domestic Vessel Safety, MED DVS
- High Angle Rope Rescue
- Marine Advanced First Aid
- STCW Refresher Ratings
- STCW Refresher Officer
- Passenger Safety Management Course
- STCW 6.2.2 Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats Refresher (FRB – R)
- STCW 6.3 Advanced Firefighting Refresher (AFF – R)
- STCW 6.2 Proficiency in Survival Craft Refresher And Rescue Boats Refresher (PSC – R)
- STCW 6.1 Basic Safety Refresher
- Ship Boarding and Cold Water Survival Course
- STCW 6.3 Advanced Fire Fighting
- Emergency Response Training
- Internal Training
- Emergency Breathing Systems (EBS)
- Small Vessel Operator Proficiency (SVOP) and Small Domestic Vessel – Basic Safety (SDV-BS)
- STCW 6.2 Proficiency In Survival Craft (PSC) And Rescue Boats Other Than Fast Rescue Boats
- STCW Operator Proficiency In Fast Rescue Boat (FRB)
- Small Vessel Operator Proficiency (SVOP)
- Small Domestic Vessel – Basic Safety (SDV-BS)
- Workplace Fire Safety (WFS)
- Technical Rope Rescue (TRR)
- Industrial SCBA
- Industrial Fire Fighting (IFF)
- Hazmat Technician
- Hazmat First Responder (Operations Level)
- Hazmat Awareness
- Gas Detection
- Confined Space Technical Rescue (CSTR)
- Survival Craft Coxswain – Recurrent (SCC-R)
- Offshore Helicopter Safety (OHS) & Emergency Breathing Systems (EBS)
- Offshore Fire Team (OFT) Recurrent
- Helicopter Fire Fighting (HFF)
- Command & Control And Management Of Major Emergencies (CCMME)
- Basic Survival Training Recurrent (BSTR)
- Atmospheric Gas Tester Training (AGT)
- Winter (land) Survival Training For Aircrew
- Person-in-Charge Assessment (PICA)
- STCW 6.1 Basic Safety
- Demo
- Helicopter Landing Officer (HLO)
- Office Closed
- Crane Maintenance
- Helideck Team Training (HTT)
- Fall Protection (FP)
- Special Event
- XMas Party
- Ontario Deployment
- Vacation
- Out of Office
- Orange HUET
- Torpedo Rays
- Meeting
- Confined Space Entrant/Attendant (CSEA)
- Survival Craft Coxswain (SCC)
- Offshore Helicopter Safety
- Basic Survival Training (BST)
- Opito Approved Basic Offshore Safety Induction & Emergency Training (BOSIET)
- Basic Survival Training - Recurrent
- STCW Proficiency in Survival Craft (PSC) and Rescue Boats
- Opito Approved Further Offshore Emergency Training (FOET)
- Helicopter Underwater Emergency Breathing Apparatus (HUEBA)
- Fall Protection Basic Rescue (FPBR)
- Confined Space Entry & Rescue (CSER)
- Offshore Fire Team (OFT)
- H₂S ALIVE – Certified by Energy Safety Canada
- Offshore Survival Introduction