Newfoundland Location Only
This course meets the requirements of STCW Code Section B-I/14. Trainees who successfully complete this course will be able to undertake the tasks, duties, and responsibilities related to launching and recovering free fall lifeboats and taking charge of the
To enable course participants to gain knowledge, and verify competency, in order to:
- Identify Free Fall Lifeboats, including construction, general maintenance, and common features/equipment
- Discuss familiarization and training of free fall lifeboat crews
- Demonstrate proper launching procedures, including pre-launch inspections, personnel positioning and body posture
- Demonstrate various free fall lifeboat coxswain competencies, including acting as a free fall lifeboat coxswain during launching and maneuvering.
- Demonstrate various free fall lifeboat coxswain competencies, including towing, the person in water recovery
- Demonstrate operation of free fall lifeboat engines, including basic maintenance and start-up and shut-down procedures
- Demonstrate various free fall lifeboat crew member competencies, including acting as a free fall lifeboat crew member during launching and maneuvering.
- Demonstrate skills and competencies associated with recovery of a free fall lifeboat
Minimum of 12 hours, based on a maximum of 6 candidates.
Course Details
- Must be at least 16 years of age.
- A person must hold a training certificate in Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Other than Fast Rescue Boats (PSC) or equivalent to take this course.
- Trainees are expected to be in a good state of health and physically capable of fully taking part in all program activities. Trainees are expected to participate in all physical training requirements.
- A statement of health form completed on the first day of the course. A valid Medical Certificate, preferably the Mariners Medical, is required to be submitted prior to the start of course. See “General Information: Medical Fitness” for full details.
- A valid Government Identification is required and must be presented for registration and to the instructor on the first day of course commencement. (Driver’s License, Passport, Vantage card)
WITHOUT EXCEPTION, those trainees in non-compliance will be refused and billed the full program fee.
All persons who successfully complete the course based on the performance standards will receive:
- A Transport Canada certificate of completion for Proficiency in Free Fall Lifeboats – REFRESHER.
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